Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Check in 4: Life in France

Hey everyone!
     I know it`s been WAY too long since I last checked in. I have been in France for a month and a half now, which is absolutely crazy to think about. I have been away from home longer than ever, but I can feel all the love and support your sending me, even though I am almost 5,000 miles away. And trust me, I am well aware of the distance, I spent what felt like a full week traveling.

    Traveling was one of the most disorientating parts, and ever since I arrived my idea of time hasn`t been very accurate. As I have told some of you, it felt like I kept leaving place after place, but was never going to arrive at my final destination. I left school at the end of the semester, but I stayed in Colorado. Then I finally left Colorado, but I stayed in The States (New Jersey). After that it was New York, but I still wasn`t actually leaving! I was just there for orientation. After New York, it was Switzerland, then finally Paris, but again I still wasn't there yet. Finally it was Nancy and then Maizieres Les Metz, with my host family at last. Just the other day, I was in French class, and when the bell rung, I actually couldn`t decide if it was the end of class or not. Had it been an hour, or just five minutes? 5 minutes. Maybe in a few more months I will be back on track, just in time to do it all again on.

     It`s weird to try and recall all that`s happened. Especially now, when coming here feels so long ago.There is just no way I can express all that's happened, the good, the bad, the overwhelming. But as cheesy as this is, it really is life changing. Not because I am changing very much, but more like I am discovering new things about myself. For example: trains really do stress me out, probably more than other form of transportation, and I greatly appreciate a smiling face:) But I`ll save all that boring stuff for another day. Honestly I am having a hard time pinpointing things to talk about, so feel free to ask questions and comment and I will try to respond when I can! But keep in mind, this is my first blog post abroad, and I have already been here for more than month, so don`t hold your breath! Instead sign up to be on the email list, so the computer will check for you<333