Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Check-in 3: Host Family!

Hello everyone!
     I am pleased to announce that I have officially been matched with a host family. I will be staying in a small town in North East France called Maizieres Les Metz. I`m not going to lie, as excited as I was to hear this news, it freaked me out. Not to say I`m not overjoyed to be going, I am. Yet, over the last couple days I have been faced with a severe case of  what I call "regret-me-nots". I am afraid of missing time here, with my family and friends. And I am afraid of regretting that I missed out on all of it. I can`t seem to shake the idea that I will be gone for almost 6 months! 6x longer than I have ever been away from home.

     I`m going to let you in on a little secret. Not many people know this, but a Harry Potter personality test was actually one of the reasons I decided to go on this adventure of mine. Some of my friends and I were sitting and eating lunch. Of course, being the nerds that we are, we were discussing Hogwarts houses and the test you can take to find out which one you would be in. We all had our favorite houses and characters, but we did all agree on one thing. You could choose to be a Gryffindor. You could choose to be brave. At the time I had basically decided to give up on going abroad. I was too scared, and I used all the reason it is going to be hard as reason not to do it. But it was right then, as I dreamt of being a wizard at Hogwarts that I had an epiphany. I want to be brave! I can choose to be brave. I can choose to be a Gryffindor! I can,  I will, and I have.

I`m not just scared. I`m scared, and excited, and proud.
And I can`t wait to go on what I know will be the adventure of a lifetime.
After all you have to take risks to get rewards.